Keep Your Hands Off My Thighs, Ssebo is a compilation of fictionalized accounts of women who have experienced abuse at the workplace, intended to provide a basic and simplified understanding and context of sexual harassment at places of work from a feminist perspective. 

These stories of fear, shame, blame, and silence depict how the impunity around sexual abuse in the world of work has perpetuated a culture where women constantly bear the burden of public judgment and disbelief. Where you,  dear reader, or a woman you know has experienced a form of violence shared here, all the ink in the world cannot express how much we believe you. While it is not our intention that you are triggered, receive love and light in the event that this happens. We stand with you. 

These are also stories of courage, solidarity, speaking truth to power, and a  world where violence against women is not reduced to secrets and whispers in corridors. A world where women are not rendered disposable by their employers when they speak out and where access to justice is not a myth. The book gives life to the ability of women to stand against harassment, reshaping narratives around the vice.

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