Expertise: Environment and Climate Activist
Elizabeth Wanjiru Wathuti is a Kenyan environment and climate activist and founder of the Green Generation Initiative, which seeks to address challenges such as deforestation, climate change and environmental injustices, by nurturing young environmental enthusiasts to take action on climate action, zero hunger, quality education, and life on land. This is achieved through greening schools, environmental education, planting fruit trees for food security, and inculcating a tree growing culture among people for forest cover increment through an adopt a tree campaign, and through working on food forest establishments in schools. Ms. Wathuti was the Global South Co-Chair of the COP26 Civil Society and Youth Advisory Council. She currently serves as the Head of Campaigns and Daima Consortium Coordinator at the Wangari Maathai Foundation.
Elizabeth Wathuti speech at COP26
Interview with France 24 urging world leaders to take action on climate change
Elizabeth Wathuti Keynote Address at the Cities for Children by Cities Alliance
Youth4Climate Live Interview with BBC – Elizabeth Wathuti and Adenike Oladosu
Elevate Festival 2020 – Elizabeth Wathuti Opening Speech
We Are Trying to Speak Up Because We Know What is Happening in Our Countries. Elizabeth Wathuti is interviewed by Julian Hettihewa after the Pre-Cop26 Youth4ClimateAction2021 and her expectations for Cop26.