Economic Justice & Climate Action

AMwA has set in motion new streams of work in Women’s Economic Justice and Climate Action, aimed at illuminating the precarious and yet often ignored connections between the climate crisis and economic and gender justice. The current neoliberal economic models perpetuate gender inequalities and unequal distribution of wealth. We desire the creation of alternative gender-responsive models that work for women by promoting decent work, access to productive resources, the redistribution of unpaid care work, social protection, and fair taxation policies. Similarly, the gendered impacts of climate change require approaches that address the climate crisis as a complex social justice problem and tackle the root causes and impacts of the climate crisis. Our interventions will therefore focus on amplifying women’s voices and strengthening individual and collective capacities for the advancement of economic and climate justice.

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expected outcomes

  1. A critical mass of African feminists conscious and influencing economic and climate justice processes.
  2. Existence of functional feminist legal and policy frameworks on economic and climate justice
  3. Existence of economic programs that promote feminist tax justice, climate justice, and decent work for women.
  4. Access to, ownership, and re-allocation of resources for gender and climate justice.

Strategic Partners

Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Wellsprings Philanthropic Fund
Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung (RLS)

Consortium Partners

AMwA Partners-29
World Wide Fund for Nature
AMwA Partners-17
AMwA Partners-23
South South North (VCA)
AMwA Partners-10
Slum Dwellers International
AMwA Partners-11
Fundacion Avina

Implementing partners

Community Technology and Advocacy Trust
Zambia Alliance for Women
Women's Life Wellness Foundation
Women's Empowerment