A Feminist Approach to Sex Work

As one of the implementing partners under the Joint Advocacy for Sexual Reproductive, Health and Rights (JAS) Programme, AMwA seeks to ensure that an intersectional feminist analysis is infused in the design and implementation of the program including the development of critical feminist analysis pieces on thematic areas of the program.

We developed this technical brief, “A Feminist Approach to Sex Work”, to promote a common understanding of an intersectional feminist analysis and approach to sex work in the context of Uganda. With this brief, we seek to contribute to strengthening the voice and agency of sex workers and sex worker organizations, to advocate for SRHR interventions that promote bodily autonomy and choice.

This brief looks at the definition of sex work, the different legal and social contestations on sex work, and also elaborates on SRHR issues for sex workers including Stigma and discrimination, Criminalization, High Rates of HIV Infection, Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health services, Access to safe abortion, and Violence against sex workers, just to mention.

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