Annual Report 2023

Warm Greetings,

Our 2023 annual report is fresh from the printing press and in your hands now.

The chosen theme, ”
On stormy seas, radical love is our moral compass,” is drawn from a mantra that helped us navigate the past year’s polarizing socio-political and economic climate.
Guided by radical love, we committed to dismantling oppressive structures and building new systems that prioritize collective care and dignity of structurally marginalized people, especially women and girls.

This report is a capsule of our achievements, strategic advancements, and the collective dedication of our team, as well as support from a regional and global village. It shows how The African Women’s Leadership Institute continues to transform the leadership landscape on the African continent, the advocacy we have done in various regional and global spaces, and the feminist knowledge resources we have produced.

As you read the report, we hope you can find points at which we can co-create the world we dream of.

Access the full Akina Mama wa Afrika annual report 2023 by clicking Here Annual Report 2023

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