Taking Stock of African Feminist Organising and Setting our Agenda at the Feminist Thought Leadership Retreat

The Feminist movement in Africa has grown by leaps and bounds. Whether it is on an individual or collective level, the movement has gained a lot of traction. From women boldly naming themselves as Feminists to marching against femicide under #TotalShutDown and #WomensMarch to women leading revolutions to topple dictatorships to demanding for equal representation […]
After the Shooting Stops, What Next?

One of the pluses that comes with working with a Feminist organization is the opportunity to grow your knowledge and understanding of issues that concern you at a personal level. You will have the most soulful conversations on topics as simple as why women wearing high heels should be a thing or as complicated as […]
Setting Survivors of Sexual Violence in Uganda on a Path of Healing

The first 48 hours of 2020 were unforgettable for Ugandan women as several young women found the courage to share their stories and experiences of rape and other forms of sexual violence on online platforms. In her article “The Toll of Me Too: Assessing the Costs of Those Who Came Forward”, Rebecca Traister writes about […]
Standing In Solidarity With Sisters Who Have Experienced Sexual Violence

In commemoration of the International Human Rights Day on December 10th, a day that also marks the end of the 16 Days of Activism, a global campaign which highlights the pervasiveness of violence against women and girls across the world, Akina Mama wa Afrika ran a full page spread in the Daily Monitor, one of […]
Making Sure HR Managers in Uganda Prioritize Sexual Harassment at Their Workplaces

Human Resource Managers are integral to formulating and enforcing workplace policies and cultures. They therefore serve as indispensable partners in the fight against sexual harassment in the workplace. In response to the scourge of sexual harassment within workplaces in Uganda that goes unchecked, we took our campaign to end sexual harassment in the world of […]
#StopTheBleeding: Understanding Illicit Financial Flows

The 2015 report of the High Level Panel on Illicit Financial Flows (IFFs) from Africa (Mbeki report) estimates the continent to be losing about 50 billion dollars annually in illicit financial flows which has a disproportionate impact on gender justice. The path to curbing IFFs in Africa starts with understanding the vice in order to build […]
Statement on the Ratification of ILO Convention C 190 on Ending Gender Based Violence in the World of Work
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 21st November2019 On 21st June 2019, the International Labor Organisation (ILO) Convention 190 (C190) on Violence and Harassment was adopted in a historic moment that ushered in a fresh set of protections for workers and established global standards to end gender based violence and harassment in the world of work. The centenary […]
If You Make Abortion Illegal, It Will Happen Anyway –Akina Mama wa Afrika at the Nairobi Summit on ICPD25

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo, where 179 governments adopted a landmark Programme of Action which set out to support women and girls to reclaim their bodily autonomy and choice, for their sake and that of their families, communities and nations. Akina Mama wa […]
#CSOToo: Women in the Civil Society Organisations in Uganda Call for Improved Solidarity with Survivors of Sexual Violence

#MeToo, #ChurchToo, #AidToo and related campaigns took the world by storm as thousands of women across entertainment, religious groups and politics called for action against sexual violence by highlighting the pervasiveness of the vice. Incidences of sexual harassment and abuse were brought to light leading institutions on paths of greater transparency with the end goal […]
It Is Not Right for the Rich to Prosper At The Expense Of the Poor – Conference on Living Wage and Living Income in Global Agri-Food Supply Chains

The fight for a living wage and income is essential to creating sustainable supply chains and driving better livelihoods. According to studies, women working on flower farms in Uganda who earn a meagre pay of USD28-46 a month are reported to be living below the poverty line. Their plight is not news to anyone in […]
The Beijing Dispatch: Call for articles on progress in achievement of women’s rights and gender equality as the Beijing Platform for Action Turns 25 – Deadline Extended

The year 1995 was a turning point for the women’s movement in Africa and the world at large with the unanimous adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPfA) by 189 countries. This agenda has been defined as the most progressive blueprint ever for advancing women’s rights and the key global policy document […]
Where is the money? Why Illicit Financial Flows Are a Violation of Human Rights.

The pounding pleas for better public services, social protection and better employment opportunities by citizens have time and again been responded to with “where is the money?” stances from governments. Confirming that social justice is not a priority for them, we have watched governments tolerate widespread tax abuse at the expense of the citizenry. Worse, […]
Assessing Progress in Achievement of Women’s Rights and Gender Equality as the Beijing Platform for Action Turns 25

The year 1995 was a turning point for the women’s movement in Africa and the world at large with the unanimous adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPfA) by 189 countries. This agenda has been defined as the most progressive blueprint ever for advancing women’s rights and the key global policy document […]
Advancing Girls’ Rights in Tanzania: The AWLI Strengthened My Foundation – Lydia Wilbard

Having grown up in Bukoba rural district in Kagera region bordering Uganda, Lydia Wilbard is the current National Director at the Campaign for Female Education (CAMFED) in Tanzania. She is also a founding member of the Visionary Women Savings and Credit Cooperative Society (SACCOS) and a Vice Chairperson of the Tanzania Education Network – TenMet. […]
This Is How Young Women Are Coping With Sexual Harassment at Universities

In April 2018, Rachel Njoroge Njeri reported Edward Kisuze an administrator at Makerere University to the police for sexually molesting her. He was proved guilty and suspended from Makerere University which sparked off a debate on sexual harassment by staff at Makerere University on different social media platforms. Female students in higher institutions of learning […]
What Is The Point Of The Revolution If We Cannot Dance? – Interrogating the State and Celebrating the Gains of Feminist Organising In Uganda

The essence smelt right, the candles burnt subtly but visibly, colorful mats, cushions and bitenges (African fabric) beautifully and skillfully laid out, it was time for the feminist dance. I have come to the realization that nothing compares to feminist spaces where we are free to challenge ourselves reenergize and re-strategize. This is what the […]
Creating Safe Spaces to Break the Silence on Violence for Differently Abled Women in Uganda

When it comes to violence against women and girls, it is important not to lose sight of the fact that women with disabilities often suffer double catastrophe. Frequently abandoned, women with disabilities are vulnerable to sexual abuse and while most women are no stranger to one of patriarchy’s ugliest faces in the form of sexual […]
Staying business savvy to survive on the flower farm
Namatovu is the popular socks vendor among her colleagues. At the end of her work day, outside the changing rooms, she turns into a trader – showcasing her product, conducting negotiations, and recommending what pair and color of socks one should buy. Each pair goes for 2,000 Uganda Shillings (USD 0.54), earning her a 1,000 […]
Feeling the pinch of the gendered burden of parenting
“My name is Specioza, and I am 50 years old. I work as a supervisor in Green House 12 and I have worked here for 14 years.” This is not the first time Specioza is working at a flower farm. Before her job here, she worked at another farm, still as a supervisor, where she […]
A pregnancy while still in school forged a different path for her
23 year old Rita is a mother of two, a 7 year old and 2 year old. She doesn’t often see the older one who she says she had, unprepared. “I did not even breastfeed her. As soon as she was born, my mother took her, while I began to look for work. She still […]