Fighting for women’s labour rights in the workers’ committee

Felista has a delightful personality. She smiles, greets and is eager to explain and to give whatever information needed about her work. It is clear in her clarity and swiftness to answer, that she has mastered the ins and outs of her job’s task, and that of the others. Felista has worked at the farm […]

Promoting Decent Workplaces for Women to Thrive

In Uganda, working mothers are entitled to 60 days of maternity leave on full wages with a guarantee of the job they left behind (or its equivalent) waiting for them when they get back to work. This requirement is provided for in Section 56 of The Employment Act of 2006. This is the only provision […]

Meet Akina Mama wa Afrika’s Board of Directors!

Akina Mama wa Afrika is pleased to announce the addition of new members to her Pan African Board of Directors.  We are thrilled at the passion and expertise they bring in leading AMwA on her mission to strengthen the individual and collective leadership of African women, forming strategic partnerships, to tackle patriarchy and attain gender equality […]

The AWLI Gave Me The Freedom and Courage to Pursue a Career That I Was Passionate About

Ashanut Okille is a lawyer and development practitioner with over fifteen years’ experience of supporting interventions that promote human rights, governance, gender equality, and institutional/organizational strengthening in Africa. Ashanut holds an LL.M, and is trained in Organization Development (OD), which gives her the unique ability to have both a sound understanding of the content of […]

A new frontier on tax justice from a feminist perspective in Uganda

Thursday 22nd August 2019 had a whiff of history about it as 27 women gathered to demand a seat at the table of tax discourse. On that day, two births of note happened; first AMwA began in earnest, the project on plugging illicit financial flows for women’s economic empowerment and secondly, a movement of women-led […]

I am a Feminist. Fullstop.

The theme of this year’s Uganda Feminist Forum (UFF) was “Silencing Our Fears and Fearing Our Silence”. One I hadn’t easily understood until I started interacting with it through the preparations for the forum and the buildup tweet chats. There is something about being in womxn only spaces that is so calming. The room was diverse, […]

Clipping Thorny Rose Bushes: Stories of Women Working on Flower Farms in Uganda

In 2014, flowers contributed 38.7 million US dollars to Uganda’s GDP. Although women contribute 60% to 75% of the labor force in the horticulture industry, their labour is mainly concentrated in the lower stages of the value chain. Women work as labourers – digging, weeding, harvesting, sorting, packing and labeling flowers. Despite women being favoured […]

Unpacking Gender – Let’s talk about space, body policing, and sexual violence

Women in Uganda remain disproportionately affected by various injustices and human rights violations with statistics showing that 7 out of every 10 women in Uganda have at some point in their lives been victims of sexual violence. This is asserted by the high rates of femicide and gender based violence against women as a result […]

Who Needs Feminism? Everybody

Feminists in Uganda get to go through their day in addition to fighting the various injustices that women face, trying to create world balance, responding to queries about feminism, if they really are man-haters and how they go to bed at night perfectly fine with pushing an evil agenda from the West. Most people have […]

Blossoming Women’s Leadership for Decent Work in the Horticultural Sector in Uganda

The first thing that comes to mind when most people think about flowers is love, beauty, birthdays, weddings or similar celebrations. Nothing about the women who suffer insurmountable injustices to bring these flowers to our tables. Unquestionably, flowers make beautiful additions to our living spaces but what does it mean when the woman who picked […]

Silencing our Fears and Fearing our Silence at the Uganda Feminist Forum 2019

Three days in a room overflowing with radical, powerful, fearless, vulnerable sisters intentional about growing their feminist journeys is unparalleled. With support from the African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF), The Open Society for Eastern Africa (OSIEA), Urgent Action Fund Africa and WomanKind Worldwide, the 8th convening of the Uganda Feminist Forum (UFF) was held from […]