The African Women’s Leadership Institute has shaped me into a resilient woman

Before the African Women’s Leadership Institute, I thought I had figured out who I was, where I was going, and what I wanted to be; I was wrong. I have since discovered a lot about myself. I recognized my values, strengths, goals and aspirations, as well as worked out my ambitions and what I look forward to achieving.  

The Feminist and Transformational Leadership Fellowship gave me an opportunity to walk into my purpose and come out victorious. I confronted my weaknesses and identified my passions and fears. Similarly, I pondered my desires and dreams, thoughts and feelings, likes and dislikes, my tolerance and limitations.

Knowing myself helped me build an inward power and strength to determine my own actions. Understanding power as a concept compelled me to question whether I was serving myself or the people I live with. Analyzing my own power has shaped my true intentions, the trust I have in myself and my leadership journey.

This journey has helped me appreciate learning as a necessity as it brings growth and maturity’ and compels us to discover our true purpose. I realized that when we stop learning we start betraying our true reason on earth. 

I learnt a lot about feminism and I loved the fact that it is rooted in choice and freedom. I now know that feminism gives us the tools to hold ourselves accountable with how we use our privilege and power, and the importance of that accountability.

I also learnt the importance of checking in with the self and as a result developed a self-care routine focused on deliberate attention to my body, soul, and mind. I am always grateful for the things that are going well and will improve on the areas I am struggling with. I have learnt to always believe in myself as this is a journey of resilience.

My experience at the African Women’s Leadership Institute was amazing. I was awakened to the concept of being grounded and learnt how to fight fear amidst the challenges and storms of life. I realized that it is not the twists and turns life throws us that mold us but rather, how we handle them.

Chelangat Gloria

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