Expertise: Ecosystem and water resource management

Birguy Lamizana-Diallo is a broad-based development professional with more than 20 years working experience. She has an extensive knowledge of ecosystem and water resource management, environmental impact assessments, and community involvement, and has capacity building skills as a Training of Trainers for decision-makers on Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM). She has a strong record of accomplishment in developing action plans in IWRM for West and East African countries, and coordinating partnerships. Birguy holds an Engineering degree in water resources management and a Doctorate in Freshwater Ecology in relation to environmental flows requirement.

Ms. Diallo has a long working experience with River basin organizations, NGOs and community involvement in managing national parks and protected areas in west and central Africa. Prior to joining the United Nations Office for Project Services in 2009 and UN Environment in 2012, she served as the coordinator of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) West Africa regional wetlands and water resources programme. Birguy has also worked with the Global Water Partnership as the regional coordinator for Africa Water Development, and with the African Development Bank as Technical Adviser for their Water Partnership Programme Trust fund.

She has coordinated UN Environment’s flagship project on the restoration of Lake Faguibine ecosystems in northern Mali, which attracted the interest of many development partners as well as substantial funding from donors. Ms.Diallo is also serving currently as Vice Chair of the IUCN Commission of Ecosystem Management in charge of Africa, drylands and wetlands thematic groups.

Women of The Desert

Birguy Lamizana Diallo | Kenya | World Congress and Expo on Recycling 2015 | Conferenceseries LLC

4. İUSF Panel 2 / The 4th IIWF Panel 2