Expertise: Lawyer, Climate Activist

Immaculate Akello, is a climate change activist and lawyer whose work is transforming the lives of rural women in northern Uganda living along the so-called shea belt community. Akello is the founder of Generation Engage Network, an organization that champions environmental rights and environmental democracy in Northern and Central Uganda.

The four most urgent issues of our time are: climate change, violence against women and girls, ‘boy preference’ resulting in education gaps between women and men, and the gender pay gap,” says Immaculate. “Climate change as a generational problem and rural women are one of the most affected groups by climate change”, she adds. Immaculate calls on the youth to step up and advocate for the implementation of gender-sensitive laws and policies, and petition parliament to repeal repressive laws.

To address the gendered impact of climate change in rural areas, Immaculate encourages families to plant more fruit-bearing trees and encourages them to find a market for those fruits as well as establish forests that will provide sustainable wood energy.

I am Generation Equality: Immaculate Akello, climate change activist and lawyer standing up for rural women in Northern Uganda—-immaculate-akello

CHAT WITH IMMIE KELZ by Immaculate Akello