Expertise: Climate activist

Leah Namugerwa is a youth climate activist from Uganda. She is known for leading tree planting campaigns and for starting a petition to enforce the plastic bag ban in Uganda. Following inspiration from Greta Thunberg, she began supporting school strikes in February 2019 with fellow Fridays for Future Uganda organizers. Ms. Namugerwa spoke at the World Urban Forum in 2020 and was a youth delegate at COP25.

Leah Namugerwa celebrated her 15th birthday by planting 200 trees instead of throwing a birthday party, and since then she has launched the Birthday Trees project, to give out seedlings to those who wish to celebrate their birthdays by planting trees. Her major goal is to see the enforcement of current climate legislation (Paris 21 Agreement) and to attract more coverage of issues of climate change. She organized marches along with other young climate advocates to mark the global climate strike on 29 November 2020, and clean the lakeshore of Kampala’s Ggaba Beach. Ms. Namugerwa has continuously called on the government of Uganda to fully implement the Paris Climate Agreement.

#WHD2021: Climate Activist Leah Namugerwa on Necessity of Urban Climate Action

Plenary: Responding to the Climate Emergency – Inclusive Green Finance

Watch This Powerful Speech From A Young Ugandan Climate Activist | TIME