Country: South Africa
Expertise: Social-economic environmental activist
Makoma Lekalakala is the Director of Earthlife Africa Jhb, an environmental justice and anti-nuclear organisation. She is a strong campaigner for a just and fair society. Her commitment to climate justice in South Africa has led civil society to win the first South African climate change legal court case against the government and the reversal of the nuclear deal by the South African and the Russian government. For her efforts she received the WWF Living Awards Honourable Mention in 2017 , the Goldman Environmental Prize for Africa in 2018 and the Nick Steel Environmentalist of the Year 2018 amongst other accolades. She was recently appointed to the South African Presidential Climate Change Coordinating Committee a body tasked in advising the President on the process of a just transition to an inclusive, low-carbon, climate change resilient economy and society.
SEASON 2 EPISODE 2: “Clean Energy in South Africa – The Struggle Continues”
Impact of climate change in SA: Makoma Lekalakala
Makoma Lekalakala and Liz McDaid, 2018 Goldman Environmental Prize, South Africa