Expertise: Academic researcher

Sheona Shackleton is the Professor and Deputy Director: African Climate & Development Initiative (ACDI) at the University of Cape Town (UCT). She is Honorary Professor in the Department of Environmental Science at Rhodes University (RU). She is an internationally renowned expert on rural livelihoods, and more recently also on rural vulnerability and adaptation to global and climate change. She has been a member of a number of interdisciplinary, multi-institutional research teams, and has played substantial leadership roles in several of them. She has research links with the Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) in Bogor, where she was a Senior Research Associate until 2012. Earlier, in 2006-7, she worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the CIFOR in Bogor, Indonesia, and the Centre for Nontimber Forest Products (CNTR), Royal Roads University, Victoria, Canada. Her contributions to scholarly publishing include 137 referenced papers in journals, books, published conference proceedings, and published policy briefs. She has authored or co-authored 68 more conference presentations and posters, 53 research consultancy reports, and 20 articles in the popular media.

Gender and Vulnerability to Multiple Stressors, including Climate Change, in Rural South Africa

The economic value of land and natural resources to rural livelihoods: case studies from South Africa

How gender and culture affects natural-resource Based Livelihoods: the case of the Baka community in Cameroon