Expertise: Climate activist
Vanessa Nakate is a climate activist from Uganda. She was the First Fridays For Future climate activist in Uganda and founder of the Rise up Climate Movement, which aims to amplify the voices of activists from Africa. Her work includes raising awareness to the danger of climate change, the causes and the impacts. She spearheaded the campaign to save Congo’s rainforest, which is facing massive deforestation. This campaign later spread to other countries from Africa to Europe. Ms. Nakate started the Green Schools Project, a renewable energy initiative, which aims to transition schools in Uganda to solar energy and install eco-friendly stoves in these schools.
Ms. Nakate was one of the young climate activists who were chosen to speak at the COP25 gathering in Spain, and she was one of 20 climate activists who penned a letter addressed to the participants of the World Economic Forum in Davos, calling on them to stop subsidizing fossil fuels.
Vanessa Nakate Wants Climate Justice for Africa
Vanessa Nakate: How Educating Girls Will Help Combat the Climate Crisis
Climate Activist Vanessa Nakate at COP26: “Humanity will not be saved by promises”
Vanessa Nakate’s Full Keynote Speech at Youth4Climate Pre-COP26 | Doha Debates