The Calculus of Living and Dying: Towards a Feminist COP27 and Beyond

A catastrophe of epic proportions shakes a region of our earth every other month. When it doesn’t rain nonstop and submerge entire communities, there is a protracted starvation that leaves a trail of shrivelling bodies, both young and elderly. The climate catastrophe was once discussed as a problem for the far future. Today, the climate […]
Rethink! Space: A Stellar and Inspirational Conclave for Revolutionizing Climate Finance

In the heart of Kenya, where the awe-inspiring landscapes harmonize with the captivating pulse of wildlife, an extraordinary event blossomed, akin to a radiant bloom unfurling in all its splendor. Welcome to the Rethink! Space, held in Kenya on May 3rd and 4th 2023 under the theme, “From Rhetoric to Reality: Feminist Perspectives on Climate […]
The Africa We Want

[Kampala, 23 June 2023]- These are difficult times for Africa. Amidst the cost of living crisis precipitated by the Russia-Ukraine war, uncertain economic outlook, debt burdens, unequal recovery from Covid 19, climate change, and inequality has risen more than ever. As the world observes UN Public Service Day this 23 June 2023, we continue to […]
AMwA carries the Feminist Climate Justice agenda to The Bonn Climate Change Conference, 2023

We are excited to be participating at this year’s Bonn Climate Change Conference (SB58) as representatives of the Women and Gender Constituency where together with other parties, we are part of drafting decisions to adopt at this year’s COP28 in the United Arab Emirates in December. This process and space is critical because AMwA’s work […]
A gender lens must be at the heart of World Bank Group reform

The authors of this position document, a group of civil society activists, women’s rights defenders and feminist economists, are issuing an urgent call to the World Bank’s board and gender team. The World Bank Group and its incoming president must expand the current gender strategy ‘update’ to a broader review and reform of the Bank’s […]
Sparking EcoFeminist Fires for a Just and Sustainable Future

“Nothing replaces being in the same room, face-to-face, breathing the same air, reading and feeling each other’s micro-expressions”. This is why Akina Mama wa Afrika (AMwA), ignited with excitement, hosted a partners’ rendezvous this year in Uganda, setting the stage for an unforgettable grounding with its partners. As the sun set over the tranquil shores […]
Are Digital Platforms the Silver Bullet to SRHR Information Access for Youth?

“There was a time I needed to learn how the female condom works because when you first see it, it is weird. It is large, shapeless and you wonder how exactly it functions and because the matter was private to me, I went to YouTube for videos. Most videos had sound and because I have […]
Sexual & Gender Based Violence in Uganda; An old social disease treated with the wrong medicine
Once again, Uganda found itself on the less exciting side of news, following the release of a documentary on the rising cases of child sexual abuse and incest in Northern Uganda by BBC Africa. The documentary revealed that the increase in sexual violence perpetrated by men against young girls is responsible for 23 % of […]
AWLI alumni in political service reconnect to envision the next level feminist leadership
Since 1997, over 8000 women have gone through the African Women’s Leadership Institute(AWLI), going on to carry forward the feminist agenda into decision making spaces to bring about transformative change. On the 21st of April, Ugandan AWLI alumni in political leadership positions from different cohorts of the AWLI met for a high level breakfast meeting […]

Any activist will tell you that working on issues pertaining to violence against women and girls (VAWG) means being in a constant state of emotional pain, rage and stress. With 1 in 3 women being subjected to physical or sexual violence by an intimate partner, VAWG is one of the most widespread, persistent and […]
Africa Needs A Socially Just Approach To Energy Transition

As Global leaders convened in Sharm El Sheikh in Egypt for the 27th Conference of Parties (COP 27) summit discuss the energy transition this week, African feminists, climate justice advocates, and civil society are demanding[1] socially just and inclusive approach to energy transition. Central to negotiations on this agenda is the reduction of carbon emissions […]
Young feminists Demand Just Climate Actions In The Horn, East and Central Africa Ahead of COP27.

Every other month a disaster of apocalyptic magnitude rocks a corner of our world. When it is not relentless rains burying communities under water, it is a long, drawn-out famine that leaves a trail of shriveling bodies, young and old. There was a time when the climate crisis was spoken of as a distant future […]
Flying The Banner Of Intersectional Feminist SRHR Advocacy In Zambia

Zambia is a land of beauty adorned with vast woodlands rich with majestic baobab trees. As far as the eye can see, wild, undulating landscapes adorned by rivers finish in glorious falls. From its landscape to its 70 ethnic groups that have staved off war for decades, Zambia sets the perfect stage for the conversation on […]
Re-envisioning SRHR Advocacy In Kenya With An Intersectional Feminist Context

Globally, women, girls, and gender-expansive persons demand a better healthcare system from their governments and policymakers. In East Africa, there has been a massive campaign for the passage of the East Africa Community Sexual and Reproductive Health Bill #EACSRHBill by feminists, civil society organizations, and young people. Ultimately, the Bill is positioned to improve women, […]
Pathways to scaling up women’s political leadership and influence in Uganda – Adopting Feminist Approaches

The aspiration to advance women’s political participation and leadership in all decision-making processes in Uganda, regionally and globally, is rooted in numerous national, regional, and international frameworks. But unfortunately, women politicians face systemic barriers that disproportionately affect their political participation and leadership. Pathways to scaling up women’s political leadership and influence in Uganda – adopting […]
Akina Mama wa Afrika Launches A Feminist Intersectional Climate Justice Guide!

The Intersectional Feminist Climate Action Guide is an advocacy and programming tool for civil society, women, feminists, environmentalists, and minoritized groups who take on a central role as creators, facilitators and advocates of innovative climate solutions through an inclusive and rights-based approach. It provides a framework for how these groups of people can integrate intersectional […]
A New Set Of AMwAzons Is Ready To Transform Power Relations For Just Climate Action

As the climate clock continues to tick ominously in our ears, announcing a developing crisis that calls for our urgent response, we, Africans on the continent, sit and contemplate an even more solemn fact in our lap. This fact is that in rooms where decisions are made and strategic policies to address the crisis are […]
Politics Unusual – Women Groups in Kenya Dialogue Towards a Women’s Economic Recovery Manifesto for Women in Kenya, 2022-2027.
As the Republic of Kenya gets ready for the 3rd election under the 2010 Constitution, the 6th multiparty election since 1992, the 11th election since the first one-party election since independence in 1969, and the 13th election since independence with the first elections held in 1961, feminists and women’s rights activists in Kenya are leveraging […]
Make Way Programme Launches In Ethiopia
Everybody, including those who are most marginalized, should be able to realize their sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). SRHR are human rights, that allow people to make informed decisions about relationships, their bodies, family planning, sexuality, and wellbeing. It also means having access to a full range of sexual and reproductive health services, […]
Changing The Narratives On SRHR In Uganda Through AWLI
There are few fields shrouded in controversy like the field of Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights(SRHR). This controversy can be traced to the fact that there is a lack of sufficient information as well as the existence of shame and secrecy around sexuality and reproduction. This combination of factors that have been around for a […]