Akina Mama wa Afrika joins a Bold and Progressive Movement on SRHR through the JAS Programme

On 13th July 2020, Akina Mama wa Afrika officially joined the Joint Advocacy for Sexual and Reproductive Rights (SRHR) in Uganda (JAS) programme. JAS is a multi-organization Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) advocacy programme steered by the Centre for Health Human Rights and Development-CEHURD and supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency – SIDA. […]

Experiences of Sexual Harassment Against Women in the World of Work in Uganda

Discourse on sexual harassment has captured the public imagination, both globally, regionally and nationally. The #MeToo Movement which was started by Tarana Burke in the United States and gained worldwide prominence in 2017 after a string of high level male executives were accused of sexual harassment is largely credited for driving this discourse and reckoning. […]

Tackling the “Shadow Pandemic” of Domestic Violence During COVID-19

“In the shadow of this tragic global pandemic lurks another pandemic- Violence against Women and Girls. Less reported and hardly headlines news but claiming lives nonetheless.” On January, 3 2020, BBC WORLD Media reported a “mysterious viral pneumonia” in China. It was an outbreak with 44 cases of people affected, 11 of which were “severe”. […]

Survivors of Sexual Violence are Human Beings Before They Are Headlines

When it comes to reporting about sexual violence, the media in Uganda is misleading at best and a catalyst for further violence at worst. Global women’s movements have accused the media of using language that trivializes the experiences of the survivors and publishing unverified/untrue information about survivors. In addition, reporters have been known to ask […]

How To Cover Stories of Sexual Violence With Humanity

Akina Mama wa Afrika in partnership with Hivos hosted the #MediaandMeToo webinar from 11:00 AM-1:00 PM EAT on 28 March, 2020. The dialogue was held to assess the prevalence of Sexual Harassment in the media sector and to interrogate media’s documentation and reporting of cases of sexual harassment. The dialogue was also an opportunity to compel […]

Where do the billions that could fund our health systems go?

The 2015 report of the High Level Panel on Illicit Financial Flows (IFFs) from Africa (Mbeki report) estimates the continent to be losing about 50 billion dollars annually in illicit financial flows. IFFs can be defined as the movement, from one country to another, of money or capital that is illegally earned, used or transferred. […]

The Institutionalization Of Sexual Violence In Uganda

The Uganda Police released the 2019 annual crime report in March this year. The rate of crime, at least that which is reported, has decreased by 9.8% with the cases declining from 238,746 cases reported in 2018 to 215,224 cases reported in 2019. The figures for crimes of a sexual nature which include but are not […]

Counting the Cost of the Coronavirus Pandemic on Workers in Uganda

International Workers’ Day usually has a whiff of celebration around it as workers around the globe are applauded for their different exploits and achievements in the world of work. However, this year, the annual workers’ day came amidstCOVID-19 epidemic. May 1st found some workers receiving their last paycheck while others logged into their emails to […]

Celebrating Women At Work

On this International Labor Day, we celebrate the gains of having more women in the public and are making great strides in the world of work. We also recognise the women who work in the private sphere and often whose work goes unrecognised and undervalued. You are our unsung sheroes. But huge challenges abound. The […]

#RatifyILO190 Twitter Chat: Tackling Violence and Harassment in the world of work.

On the 31st of March, 2020, Akina Mama wa Afrika organized a tweet chat under the theme, “Ending sexual harassment at the workplace.” The chat was part of the online campaign urging governments to ratify, domesticate and implement the ILO Convention 190 which is the first international standard that aims to put an end to […]

The Gendered Implications of COVID-19

  Akina Mama wa Afrika is deeply concerned about the gendered implications of the Corona virus pandemic. The human rights situation of women all over the world which was already precarious has been exacerbated by this world wide pandemic. The rights of women and other marginalized groups have been put aside yet in fact, it […]

Cultivating a Culture of Discourse; Inclusivity and Equality as a Generational Mandate

It has been said that young people are the future. However, a number of initiatives that have been put in place to prepare young people for this future exclude young women. This is fueled by patriarchal perceptions and sexism that hinder them from effectively participating in leadership and decision making spaces. Mindful of this, Akina […]

Unearthing Women’s Foils and Triumphs in the Workplace in Uganda

Kampala, Uganda – Women have been working people since time immemorial whether their work was limited to domestic duties and occupations such as teaching, nursing and housekeeping or they pursued a startling range of careers and vocations. For most, their stories remain untold even when they keep at difficult jobs exposed to unfavourable working conditions […]

Breaking the Culture of Silence around Sexual Harassment at dfcu Bank Uganda

The number of women joining the formal labour workforce in Uganda has steadily increased in recent times. With the right to work comes the right to work free from sexual harassment yet more than ever before, women working in the formal sector continually stand at crossroads, uncertain about whether to endure sexual violence on the […]

Reimagining Leadership in the 21st Century at the Women in Leadership Symposium

It is in the 21st century that an increase in the number of women occupying leadership positions as a result of the efforts of feminists and women’s rights activists has been recorded. Studies show women’s leadership in the 21st century as more transformational than that of their male colleagues in a context which is still […]

Akina Mama wa Afrika premieres star studded film to influence the transformation of labour conditions of women working on flower farms in East Africa

Kampala, Uganda— Akina Mama wa Afrika (AMwA) is taking over the cinema today with a public screening of the much anticipated film, Prickly Roses. The film produced in partnership with Nabwiso Films, with support from Hivos dramatises the experiences of women working on flower farms. It follows their journey of struggle as they navigate issues […]